The Web 1.0 Conference is a celebration of old style static websites.
This month, I’m excited to announce a special college edition of the Web 1.0 Conference! I’ll be travelling to my alma mater, Lewis & Clark College this Friday and Saturday to host a conference helping people to build websites!
What is the Web 1.0 Conference? It’s a conference celebrating the creative, original, static (no backend) web sites, both old and new, that stand the test of time. It’s time to rediscover and bring back the lost art of web site creation. Let’s build some weird, interesting, quirky web sites!
Portland, OR 97219
Friday, Feb 26th ,2016
7:00PM Check in and networking
7:30PM Website show and tell – show us your first or favorite 1.0 website!
9:00PM Friday closing
Saturday, Feb 27th, 2016
10:00AM Check in, breakfast, coffee, tea, 玉露
10:30AM Conference kickoff, 10-15 minute talks, demos and tutorialsAmber Case, Lewis & Clark College ’08’ ( Kickoff and conference introduction. Kyle Drake, founder of Neocities ( Introduction to Neocities, why we need to bring back the creative web, and the future of the web.
11:00AM Web site building / hacking begins
12:30PM Lunch is served
6:00PM Web site building ends
6:15PM 2 minute presentations begin. Show everyone your awesome web creation!
7:30PM See you later! じゃまた
Tickets are $5, which covers expenses. This conference is for students only, but exceptions can be made, especially if you’re part of the community and would like to be on hand during the day to help people with their websites! If you’re up for it, message me @caseorganic!
Don’t have a web provider?
New to making websites?
Free web hosting will be provided by Neocities!