I’m excited to announce that I’ll be one of two keynotes at the IA Summit in Vancouver, BC, a fantastic conference running March 22-26, 2017!
Calm Technology and the Future of the Interface How can you design technology that becomes a part of a user’s life and not a distraction from it? This practical book explores the concept of calm technology, a method for smoothly capturing a user’s attention only when necessary, while calmly remaining in the background most of the time. You’ll learn how to design products that work well, launch well, are easy to support, easy to use, and remain unobtrusive.
About IA Summit 2017
Originally conceived as a one-off get-together in 2000, the IA Summit quickly became established as the go-to event for those of us who want to make information easier to find, understand, and share. We’ve grown in our ambition, toured North America, and continued to figure out how to build bridges of understanding which span seas of information.
The IA Summit exists to promote discourse and offer practical advice about the strategic and intentional design of information environments. Recognized globally as the peak of information architecture learning, the IA Summit is a wellspring of knowledge for every information professional.
Read more and sign up for the IA Summit here.