Will We Do Tech Right This Time? Join us for an in depth discussion of how newer, more disruptive tech integrates into our lives.
Institute for the Future’s For Future Reference Public Event Series happens on Thursday, May 16th in Palo Alto, California. It features Amber Case, IFTF research fellow, American cyborg anthropologist, author of Calm Technology, and user experience designer; Dr. Julie Albright, Sociologist specializing in digital culture and communications, and author of Left to Their Own Devices; and Jane McGonigal, IFTF Director of Game Research + Development and author of SUPERBETTER: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver, and More Resilient—Powered by the Science of Gamesand Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World, among others. These authors will explore the ways machine learning, AI and immersive technology enhance and hinder our lives and how to prepare for the future ahead.
This event will also serve as the premiere of Amber Case’s new interactive sound-based art installation, in Palo Alto. “Button Tree" is a collaborative effort, combining original compositions by Case’s artistic identity and engineering by Reese Bowes of Intel. The installation consists of two headphone sets and nine interactive buttons engaging a sound collage method of altering found sounds in the environment, allowing users to collaboratively compose a new experimental piece.
6:00 Doors open
6:20 Program begins
7:15 Audience Q & A
8:00 Doors close
Proceeds from this event go directly to support Institute for the Future's For Future Reference public events series, as a part of our efforts to share the best of our research and strategic foresight practices.
IFTF’s For Future Reference is a public event series featuring talks with influential and prominent authors, designers, artists, economists, historians, journalists, entrepreneurs, activists, technologists, community leaders, and other global change makers. To learn more about our full list of events visit our website, or subscribe to News from the Future.